Friday, 13 December 2013

Integrating Spring 3 with Apache tiles 3 framework..

Here I would like to show how to integrate Spring3 with Apache Tiles3 framework.

Project Structure:

Dependencies (pom.xml):

Below are the dependencies required for this project. we can add more based on the requirement.

View Resolver Configuration:

Controller Class:

Tile definitions:

We have to define a tile definition to make use of tiles. We can define a specific tile definition or we can extend the existing definition. Here are the tile definitions required for this project.

Browser View:

This is the first page for tile definition name ‘mytile’. On click of the link ‘Another Tile Page’ the second page will display.

Download the source code

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Spring 3 annotation based rest example

Here I would like to show a small example on how to create a sample spring bases Rest Web services.

Project Structure:

Below is the basic project structure.

Dependencies (pom.xml):

Below are the dependencies required for this project. we can add more based on the requirement.

View Resolver Configuration:

<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/view/" />
<property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />

Controller and util Class:

The controller class handling 2 different type of responses. The method printProjectjson() will return a Json response.

Jsp View:

Browser View:

Download the source code

Thats the End.....

Model Goon UML tool eclipse installation and usage steps

Model Goon Installation and Usage Steps

Step 1: Click on ‘HELP’ and select ‘Eclipse Market Place’.

Step 2: Type ‘Model Goon’ in search box and click on ‘GO’.

Step 3: You can find ModelGoon UML4Java 4.4.1. Click on Install.

Step 4: Select the check box and click on confirm.

Step 5: Select the radio button for accepting the terms and conditions and click on Finish.

Step 6: Accept the warnings and finish the installation by restarting the IDE.

Step 7: Right click on the source folder and select ‘new’ then select ‘other’. Expand ‘Model Goon Diagrams’ and select ‘Class Diagram’.

Step 8: Drag and drop the classes for which you want to create diagram.

Step 9: Right click on each class in the diagram and select ‘Filter Elements’ and select the check boxes based on your requirement.

Step 10: After doing fine tuning to the diagram right click and select ‘Save as Image ’ to save to jpeg or png.

Enjoy UMLing..........